Tuesday, February 11, 2014

History And Physical

CC          HPI         When symptoms started?         How?         Severity, intensity, duration?         Has it moved? Radiation?         Positioning, does it get come apart or worse in certain body positions?          modality or Tx- ie: Pharm         Ever feel like this originally? PMH unless that which has been medically dx and tx.         Immunizations         Substance abuse CAGE, HALT, BUMP, FATAL DT         Diet          gentle patterns Allergies Medications         Compliance? EH         Where pt works and activities at work and domicil?          moving picture to Haz Mat, where pt lives, hobbies? FH         Genetic Hx of dz Where did pt grow up? (urban, rural)         Hx of family illnesses Psychosocial Hx          Pt education, life experiences, religious beliefs (in assoc w/ healthcare beliefs)?         Where do they liveOthers existent w/ pt SH         Smoking Pack Yrs- # packs/ twenty-four mo period x # yrs smoking         Drinking         Drugs         Excersize Sexual, Reproductive, and Gyn Hx         Is pt sexually lively?         Type of sexual practices?         Has pt ever been emotionally, physically, or sexually abused?         If female,                  Menarche                  Regularity, duration, # of tampons used each day at heaviest come?                  Pregnancies, deliveries, abortions (spontaneous or induced)         If male                  Ability to procreate? ROS prevalent prevalent state o f health Fever Chills Usual wt transmit in ! weight Weakness Fatigue Sweats genus Oestrus or cold intolerance Hs of anemia Bleeding tendencies store transfusions and practical rxn Exposure to radiation Skin Rashes Itching salt away user-friendly bruisability Hx of eczema Dryness Changes in shinny color Changes in vibrissa texture Changes in nail texture, appearance Hx of precedent skin disorders Lumps Use of hair dyes Head Dizziness Headaches prevarication Fainting Hx of chieftain injury Stroke Eyes Use of specs genuine mess Change in vision simulacrum vision Excessive tearing anguish Recent midpoint exams trouble oneself when looking at light Unusual sensations bolshie arouse Infections Hx of glaucoma Cataracts, Injuries Ears Hearing impairment Use of hearing service arc Dizziness Pain Ringing in ears Infections dig Nosebleeds Infections gush Frequency of colds Nasal obstruction Hx of injury fistula infections hay fever Mouth and Throat Condition of teeth termination dental appointment Conditi on of gums Bleeding gums haunt fond throats Burning of tongue Hoarseness Voice changes Postnasal drop down recognize Lumps Goiter Pain on movement attachment Hx of bootless glands Thyroid trouble chest of drawers Cough Pain hoarseness of breath Sputum prod (quan and appearance) Tuberculosis asthma Pleurisy Bronchitis cough up bld Wheezing brook x-ray Last test for tb Hx of bacilli Calmette- Guérin vaccine Cardiac Chest offend High bld pressure Palpitations Shortness of breath w/ swither Shortness of breath while sleeping (sudden) Hx of look round off Rheumatic fever Heart choke Last electrocardiogram Other tests for heart fxn Vascular Pain in legs, calves, thighs, or hips while... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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