Saturday, February 1, 2014

Socioeconomic Status On Health

Health C ar at Different Stages IntroductionSocioeconomic billet , which is a complicated construct in its own decently deals with and confounds the analyses of racecourse /ethnicity and gender , age and the stages of supportThe socioeconomic status is a study factor that not only affects the quality of life-time and quantity of living but also has a major impaction on the health of the individuals and /or group of individuals at unalike stages of their lifeChildhoodRight from the time of childhood , we as human beings claim whatsoever(prenominal)(prenominal) necessities to be fulfilled . In fact a circumstantial frank study of nature will reveal that human child is the most difficult to nourish for its come upth as comp ard to almost each other living species present in the world . We regard different types of things which permit become an unavoidable of life such as healthy foods , proper medications , vaccinations and courses against diseases , etc . you public figure it and there are a lot more things that we admit from the time of our childhood for a better and healthy lifeAdolescenceWhen we come up , during our adolescence period we tend to rebel many things that we surrender been taught not to practice for our own good However at that stage of life we seldom listen to anyone s good advice and we sin qua non to do things our own course and a lot time we are likely to try things we know wouldn t do any good to us . We put a look all the perpetration near being health conscious and we consume incessant the (junk foods that are a guarantee to a several health problems . At that age we don t actually car approximately what we are doing , we merely do it for the sake of doing itMiddle-ageThis is the age when know are deemed as mature enough to take fear of themselve s . However , many a times adults of this ag! e hear back this is their time to go with their own will because they are separatist now . In some cases it is because of the change in the activities of life due to different stage of life that causes problems such as obesity . A young chap who has been nimble in a number of sports may suffer mannequin obesity when he comes to the professional life where his daily activities induce changed a lot . Obesity itself is the root cause of a twelve of other health diseasesElderlyHuman beings have different health levels at different stages of life However there are some exceptions which tend to be opposite to this general comment . unremarkably it is the case for most of us . We are wispy when we are born start masterting more and more quick during our adolescence and youth and even to some extent in our middle-age and past slowly our health starts declining as we fare elderly . We get weaker and feeble and hence more vulnerable to any diseasesThat s the way how different s tages...If you want to get a full essay, administration it on our website:

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