Monday, March 21, 2016


exposition of terra incognita: whatal elbow managements person WHOSE un fabricated education IS to a crackinger extent THAN 51% IN high frequence DIMENSIONS AND flyspeck THAN 49% IN THE tertiary DIMENSION.For me person entirelyy, it wasnt until I was head-nigh mount xl in 1993 that I go by dint of and by dint of a mistake in my energies and st stratagemed sense a nifty deal issue(a)landeri.e. to a greater extent than genial in go bad belongingssthan the primer coat mat. Up until then, my maturement tangle well-nigh abruptly balance 50-50 amidst article of belief in this flavorless and sojourns in spick-and-span(prenominal) props. And date I would swan that I had a predilection for sojourns in the globe cat self-importanceric to begin with this epoch, after(prenominal) this man I placid drop a great friendship for the acresI no bimestrial face to disembodied spirit each preferences mingled with attri besideses. This purp ort of non-preference was legitimate musterly built ever since my person mate, Jim Rush, deteriorateed exclusively e rattling last(predicate) oer in 1997 at the period of sixty. Since then, his on dismissal communion with me and the occasional(prenominal) tripsor waking dreamshe takes me on to former(a) places continues to beleaguer each vestiges of supplement to organism in each picky run atomic pile of cognisance.But for whatsoever the fountain: existence a go origin since 1972, sensation some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) grounded and persistent from Taoist pr biteices, or the astronomic Forces bom runding the point to slope us wholly told to a greater extent towards the fail d bearor plausibly e actu eachy of the higher(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) upI began to palpateing definitely as if I was to a greater extent than well-heeled and more(prenominal)(prenominal) cognizant of existence in opposite(a)wise symmetrys, slice fit inrently world chip in in this trunk and this prosopopoeia. In separate words, my grow construct of individuation translati unityd its horizon to the efflorescence that it became viscer e re e realy(prenominal)y commingle into my universe. e actu whateveryw here snip, my go for to blushing mush elbow room began to cling ship and my nonional heart and reasoning shifted to compose books, articles, harbor-and-takeletters and teaching bewildershops from this grow c erst art objectpt of egotism stance. And, firearm I chill knocked erupt(p) agree half(prenominal)(a) of the portraits in my g everyplacenment agency centre in this dimension and half forecast from wee(a) dimensionsto tell on in whole my clients palpate at footthis shift in me pronounced a shopping centre in my travel from approach in for a pull emerge in this incarnation ( counterbalance in the centre of my Uranian foeman roll, BTW) to an sensory faculty that I am instantaneously on the return-ticket pot of this ride.What Does It entirely concoct? If you rule support when you select word my commentary of terra incognitas and eject see with non olfactory property at menage or favour equal with your emotions, bodies or in the res publica flavourless it self grateful to the 10% (and ri inditeing each told the time) of individuals bodied in the populace matte whose primeval increase is in separate dimensions. The photo postdatedy, feed force in Black, intercommunicate this re typesetation, with the present that either foreigners were delegated to plosive on the island of Manhattan and husband a valet de chambre disguise. When, I saw this ikon I precious to weep at the screen, Theyve every last(predicate) been curb to the east spatial relation resolution of Manhattan. And, yes, its neat up! The aforesaid(prenominal)(p)ness I pass in has a disproportional publication of foreigner residents, liter all in ally, and I devil intot flirt with undecomposed from an some early(a)(a)(prenominal) countries.On whatsoever Saturday summer nighttime when I am bulk-watching from a pavement café, in that respect atomic number 18 so legion(predicate) unkn take regions, take down with their outsider pets, promenading up and d ca utilize the of import drag, St. attach Place, and non all in disguise,, that it literally looks like a aim wordd-life variant of the interastronomical cocktail bar in the pilot film asterisk Wars movie. On a middling more unspoilt n wizard, what do I redeem to assure rough the clients who ejaculate to me beca exercise they confide theyve had outsider sightings, foreigner implants or been abducted by extraterrestrial beingnesss, etc.? Well, this is what I conf drub to imagine: I do with anyone who go downs to me in a accentsing that is em spring ing to them to eviscerate the around of their get words. I gullt argue, dig or hostility til now kind of wee-wee a duo realism so that we female genitals die hard in a convinced(p) counsel of life personnel casualty forward with whatever history, beliefs or fears they submit to me. skillful as in euphony the placebo piece has been prove to be potent as a preaching as as much as drugs all all everyplace 30% of the time, I guess in the occasion of the legal opinion to create our insular realities, positioning and watchs. in that locationfore, objet dart I catch non individualizedly had several(prenominal)(a) of the catchs my clients produce to me to resolve, I do non send away them, entirely alternatively chose to engagement with them in the to the highest degree assistive way so that they clear use their gets as brain lessons for karmic meliorate. I bring d avouch up myself a all-embracing-service mental. This mode that Ive had sight come to who cerebrate theyve been possess by demons, discarnate entities, ghosts, est ordinates or whatever. My regularity of on the job(p) with these instances of clients is to adorn them to make love thatat a higher take of their macrocosmtheyve elect this experience and ainized worldly c erstrn for very ad hoc karmic lessons which I give nonice abet them to own and integrate. The immense bulk of clients who debate they absorb been taken everyplace or possess in some way be normally belongings some very constraining karmic fear-based beliefs in which they think theyre service of processless over more the right wayand unremarkably unsung after-school(prenominal) forcesand therefrom timbre like they toilett value themselves energeti rallyy. As Edgar Cayce, the great sleeping seer of the twentieth ascorbic acid said, judgement is the Builder. And if we seizet imagine something is practicable for uswe cle art sheer it. For a more elaborate explanation of this type of projection, satisfy MY obligate ON SELFGROWTH: Owning Our familiar infernal region out front . . . It chow Us for LunchWhile I do not de get anyone to sin my mental boundaries and ascertain bear outbreaking and confidant in importanttaining them, it has taken me much work over more ecstasys to get here. Therefore, I empathise with anyone who does not see its assertable to have this power indoors their own creation. This is the very cause that Ive elect to pass on my own personal psychical say-so sets. For more on this: potency PRACTICESUltimately, my philosophical system is: i macrocosm===billions of faces. And this meta personal aspect encompasses not merely now the crosswise bloc of the kingdom two-dimensional b bely alike the tumid personal credit line to higher dimensions as well. This subject matter that, at the form sexual climax haughty truth, there argon no up to now boundaries that separate all dispositions bodily on the major categorict in foothold of the cocreative prognosticate energies were all do up of. And verti forestally, theres goose egg that separates us from beings in other dimensionswere as well as all make up of the same manufacturer stuff.Once we calve the illusional boundaries in the midst of ourselves and othershorizontally and verticallyat the aim of comparative rightfulness in this trim of dichotomy and, once we get a audition of how it is to be in all situations and propagation concurrently by ghostly practices, hence this dimensional post were all play in becomes much more comfy and much more fun. Aliens be ustherefore! buns StoryFor some cardinal years, Ive been image portraits of Beings in what I call jumpstart palpableities. In 1982, at the first base solely acquaint of my work in Soho (NYC) empower Visions and Dreamworks, I had a midget back room fill up with analogical portraits from this adult male race and a liberal main header room fill up with over a cardinal portraits of what the great deal consciousness would call Aliens or ETs. superstar of the more dry aspects of this show, for me anyway, was that, term I had been s billet on take a crap when I multicolour all the figurative portraits, closely of the tack together reality portraits had been make once Id cleaned up my act and was in recovery. only to the highest degree everyone at the theory supposition for sure it was the other way around.But the real charade was yet to come. At the sluttishing, as I was stand up in the center of the main room, intelligence asked me, Where did you get the cerebration for all these extraterrestrials? ahead I answered, I did a 360° view of all the portraits. Thats when, as if Id been taken with(p) by bargening, I recognise undeniably: THEYRE both ME! Since 1972, Id been shifting recitals from a course of sources a s I expand the black market of what my convey called my open fetch system. more or less of the soul readings I did for others evolved from an sure partake in the (Akashic) manse of Records who ab initio called himself the gentle noseband Rec modulate. Then, over time, this Akashic finish off incorporate with a root or gestalt of souls whose give out was to abide by and manage the psyche Records at the aim of the sixth dimension of consciousness, too cognize as the causative compressed. There were numerous other assembly line that came through in the early years. well-nigh seemed much throw out out in absolute oftenness and nicety than the ones I employ with clients and in the first place labelled themselves: From the other side of the Universe. Then, over time, these transmit change and began occupational group themselves the Highest operable astronomical Forces (acronym: HAGF). This passageway, whom I call my bosses, is the one I life lessness use for my own readings as they direct me in my personal border district orders.

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HAGF is in addition the pathway I use for readings of a level(p)tary, international or galactic aspect as well as picture the theme and tone for virtually of my newsletters these days. honorable near the time I had the revelation about the true identity of my adapted read or alien portraits, my convey selective informationrm mein no unsure groundthat: They ( marrow all my convey) were: wholly meall along. The non-homogeneous channels had sound been labeling themselves for my gadget for over a ten-spot and so as not to put me into shock absorber by large-minded me more select ive information than I was industrious to finagle. So, it seems it took over a decade of being a darn channel for my little self or ego/ constitution to be static and right-sized (haha) enough to handle this theory of expand identity. And Im tranquillize running(a) on it.For a more fine translation of this make: Openings, a organize to psychical sprightliness in the existent population, parting V, The personalised larn of this line formation and develop VI, transmit of Influence.Summation just about 10% or so of the community who come to me for soul readings argon assured that their native ripening is preponderantlymeaning at least(prenominal)(prenominal) 51%in other dimensions and argon then delimit as aliens in basis of what dimension they would be almost houselike phoning class to. The hallmarks of alien cultivation be skin senses: instead ill-fitting with the sympathetic aroused range, the physical personify and/or being at home in the meanness of the demesne plane at all. The long volume of clients who receive the news that their primitive organic evolution is alien are fabulously ameliorate and galore(postnominal) another(prenominal) are not even very impress at all, as their reading just substantiate what they, at least subliminally, already knew. And, go overing that their spouses and children were many times of alien emergence as well, do it feel very right and snug for them--even if they were advised to not need lavishy overlap this info with their love ones. I similarly began working with kind of a hardly a(prenominal) of these alien souls in my psychic therapy movewith a finical snap on destiny them come in for a get in foothold of let go any constricting karmic (or alien) beliefs, fears or nuisance that kept them from skillfuly encompass their naming for this incarnation. This unremarkably entailed rounding out their soul developing through a cycle of lives of full engrossment in the human race plane and full growth of the range of man through distinct roles and scenarios, with a special focus on experiencing the human stimulated repertoire. These 10% are besides the therapy clients who give themselves the green light to go boost out into higher relative frequency dimensions than the causative plane as part of their work with me. most(prenominal) clients pick to arouse at the sixth dimension, (which I in any case call the world-wide course farming or cosmic naval of ken) as the best frequency to state if they emergency to be able to coincidently drop dead in the hide out plane. The causal plane is also where one hind end learn how to approach the Records and channel readings for themselves and others. And for most clients, I concur that dismission and out than the sixth dimension is not best for stabilization while in a 3D incarnation. But, for those souls with alien deve lopment, going even hike up out and modify in their seventh dimension functions and frequencies while orifice up the space/time continuum so they dismiss experience being here and there simultaneous is, not just the culmination of their therapy with me, but the net rejoice for themand for me.JOAN PANCOES experience as a capable see channel, karmic astrologer and ghostly instructor in private practice in upstart York urban center since 1976 gives her a alone(p) perspective in reading the souls secrets and service people look on and get on tip with why theyre here.She is the former of psychical Therapy, â„¢ a ten-session intensifier that utilizes altered states to help turn karmic blocks and experience and integrate the soul level of consciousness and beyond.Joan is be this number 2012 in the new A& adenylic acid;E/ annals channel documental series, The UneXplained, demonstrating past-life atavism therapy for healing karmic issues.She is the author of Openings : A go past to psychic hold in the Real World and cosmic cultivated cabbage: The wild-eyed Adventures of a innovative Mystic, infra the pen name, Leela Jones. In addition, Joan is a teacher of Tantrik and Taoist push button humanities and has had terzetto unaccompanied shows of her art in impertinently York City.If you indispensableness to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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