Sunday, June 16, 2019

Benefits and Disadvantages of Fast Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Benefits and Disadvantages of Fast Food - Essay ExampleFurther, exuberant feed is beneficial in monetary value of bridging the gap created by a constantly changing food culture. In the world today, busy schedules for people have contributed to the issue of food being of little importance in individuals daily interactions. The fast foods bridge the gap by enabling interactions while take in at the fast food joints (Ellen and Spur 2004, p.65). More companies are shifting into the business of fast food products because of the convenience and the ever increasing enactment of working class population with express time to prepare homemade food. In addition, according to BIS Shrapnel(2003) more companies have increased their advertisements related to offering customers with more convenient and quicker way of eating without consuming time and money as highlighted in figure 1(appendix). Conversely, fast food contributes to a number of health problems or conditions that include sprig htliness disease, case 2 diabetes and obesity. This type of food is unhealthy as a result of containing high cholesterol, fats and calories which, has been identified as the main risk factor change to obesity. In a country such as Korea for example, the high prevalence rate for obesity is as a result of consuming fast foods (Bryant and Dundes, 2008, p.328). On the different hand, in a country like Australia, more individuals are critical on the idea of consuming fast-food as evident from the public outburst in regard to the cricket team being sponsored by a fast-food company (Bellisle et al 2004, p.178). The negative of fast effects related to fast food and health, has guide to a number of research on health conditions like obesity and consuming fast foods. According to Bellisle et al. (2004, p.180), the increased number of fast food locations and in... This melodic theme approves that , fast food is beneficial in terms of bridging the gap created by a constantly changing food c ulture. In the world today, busy schedules for people have contributed to the issue of food being of less importance in individuals daily interactions. The fast foods bridge the gap by enabling interactions while eating at the fast food joints. More companies are shifting into the business of fast food products because of the convenience and the ever increasing number of working class population with limited time to prepare homemade food. Conversely, fast food contributes to a number of health problems or conditions that include heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. This type of food is unhealthy as a result of containing high cholesterol, fats and calories which, has been identified as the main risk factor contributing to obesity. This essay makes a conclusion that eating patterns across the world continues to change with more people being attracted to fast food because of its convenience. However, individuals while consuming fast food needs to consider serious health issues related to the consumption of fast food currently identified as a major reader to obesity. On the other hand, fast food companies need to provide their customers with healthier options or choices for fast food products. While fast food is beneficial to customers in terms of providing a quicker means of eating, consumers need to adopt a moderate habit in terms of consuming fast foods.

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