Monday, July 29, 2019

Evidence based analysis of an area of professional interest and Essay

Evidence based analysis of an area of professional interest and implications for improving practice - Essay Example This is considered a relevant step since information on this can assist specific authorities, especially the health workers, in providing aid to child bearing and rearing families in every possible aspect to promote the integrity of the basic unit of the community, the family as a whole, especially the children, while practicing their profession. According to research, children who grow up with less attachment with their parents, are neglected, or even abused tend to have negative attitudes toward self, others and life, in general. These suggest the considerable influence of the parents in the current and future conduct of their children (Serketich & Dumas, 1996). Several theorists (e.g., Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget, among others), in fact, proposed that proper development in children are attained if parents or their primary caregivers are able to realize their needs in specific stages. Meaning, they are able to keep their children â€Å"safe, secure, and protected† with the right mix of â€Å"disciplining, entertaining, and teaching† and which can only be achieved once proper or good attachment with the child is maintained (Benoit, 2004, p. 541). ... d’s later social and emotional outcome.† Despite these, many question the validity of the existing claims since, according to them, the experience of child bearing and rearing is â€Å"highly individualized† and complicated to create a common ground regarding the concepts surrounding parent and child attachment (Goulet, et al., 1998). Nevertheless, the government continues to use these researches as supporting evidences to public policies such as â€Å"Every Child Matters,† the â€Å"Healthy Child Programme,† as well as the NICE Postnatal Care Guidelines. These policies provide standard procedures for related agencies to implement interventions in the provision of health care and alike to prevent the theory of the Cycle of Deprivation and promote the overall health and well-being of every member of the family, especially the children, to help them reach their full potentials and maximize these for the benefit of the general public. This paper will ex amine five research studies which tackle the importance of parent and child attachment to provide an evidence-based practice in health care. Data Collection As a review of related literature, recent research studies on parent and child attachment were searched to complete the five articles that will be subjected for analysis and examine whether findings can aid in improving practice of health care providers that will pave way to having healthier families with children reaching their fullest potentials. Using the search engines PubMed and MedlinePlus, the articles by Haight, et al., (2003) and Benoit (2004) were chosen with the titles â€Å"Understanding and Supporting Parent -- Child Relationships During Foster Care Visits: Attachment Theory and Research† and â€Å"Infant-Parent Attachment: Definition, Types, Antecedent,

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