Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Various Breeds of Cattle at Brawith Hall Estate Farms Essay

The Various Breeds of Cattle at Brawith Hall Estate Farms - Essay Example It is of great importance to note that, seemingly trivial and innocuous changes to performance practices could lead to the decline of breeds or strains adapted to the specific systems of performance in practice. There also lies in occurrence the inhibition of growth and development of the livestock at Brawith hall Estate Farms, Parasitic worms. Parasitic worms spend some, or rather most of their time living and feeding in a live host. This is when they cause the most damage to livestock. So far, resistance in cattle worms is respectively uncommon, although there exist viable indications that at some point, there would arise a problem. Producers should not be lulled into thinking it will not happen, as it probably will. Fortunately, through better grazing management, as those, which ought to be established by Brawith hall Estate Farms, and the use of effective chemical treatments, the costs on performance can be respectively minimized. It may be realized that adult cattle could obtain resistance to most of these parasites, the majority of them, except the liver fluke, so treatment usually focuses on the young stock, particularly during their first grazing season when they are most at risk (Wood, 2009, 87). Focusing on the Liver Fluke, it is being categorized amongst the most destructive parasite that attacks livestock: not only in Europe but also across the world. Brawith hall Estate Farms should practice yearling, and adult cattle should be treated after housing. Pesticides and other repulsive measures, inclusive of various chemical products tend to vary in their ability to kill immature larvae, and the timing for use is specific to the product being used (Kahrs, 2004, 121). Animals kept outdoors may require additional treatments, depending on the fluke risk. Given the resistance issues, emerging with the flukicide triclabendazole it is important to limit the use of this product. Use an alternative product for treating mature fluke in cattle. Other basic tactic s to curb the menace are readily available, and may not necessarily require any sort of major investment to the harbor. These measures include keeping stock off wet areas, which harbor the mud snail could help reduce the incidence of disease. A similar procedure, which would aid the process of nurturing the livestock at Brawith hall, is that all cattle should be dosed at the rate recommended for the heaviest animal in the group. Weighing two or three of the biggest animals and taking an average will give the most accurate guideline. If the weight range is such that the lightest animal might receive more than a double dose, divide the group into two, and calculate a dose rate for each, based on the heaviest animal in each sub-group. Inappropriate methods, such as under-dosing, using faulty dosing equipment, or treating in inappropriate conditions, can encourage wormer resistance to develop. This is because worms with some resistance to the product can survive a lower dose treatment, where a full dose would have killed them. It is rather conclusive to state that, use of wormers, should be put in place, only when it is very necessary. There occurs a trade-off between tolerating some level of worms on the farm and minimizing potential selection for wormer resistance.

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