Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Growing Gap between Poverty and Wealth in China Essay

Growing Gap between Poverty and Wealth in China - Essay Example As the report declares rumors of the magnificent prosperity of the south and eastern provinces have reached the more isolated-and less prosperous-interior provinces. Those current farmers who would travel in order to be more prosperous themselves are often blocked at the borders of industrial growth and discouraged to proceed. This paper stresses that today, 80 to 120 million surplus rural workers are adrift between the villages and the cities, many subsisting through part-time, low-paying jobs. Everyone in China seemingly wants a share, but the industrial provinces can physically support no more drain on their existing housing and infrastructures, and they are finding themselves unable to enhance their current positions despite their economic prosperity. The gap between rich and poor in China is rapidly growing and could even threaten the country’s stability. In just 20 years, China has gone from having virtually no income gap to having one of the world's biggest. Growing wealth in cities like Shanghai has not been shared by rural areas. The country was now in a "yellow-light" zone, the second most serious indicator of "social instability", according to an official report focusing on the growing gap between rich and poor. If there are no effective solutions in the next few years, it is going to hit red-light scenario after 2010. Earlier in September, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) produced an imposing report on China's economy.

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