Sunday, August 25, 2019


QUALITY AND SAFETY EDUCATION FOR NURSES - Assignment Example They were also to describe nationally accepted quality measures and measures and benchmarks in the practice settings (Cronenwett, Sherwood & Gelmon., 2009). However their work did not follow the hospitals policies referent to standards precautions. Nurse staffing and the quality of care can also lead to the spread of diseases in a hospital. Without a sufficient number of nurses, patient care and safety may be at high danger (Armstrong, & Barton, 2014). This can be combatted by recruitment of more nurses and increasing the funding for nursing faculty. In order to increase the quality of care offered by the nurses, the hospital nurse staffing must inform specific policies to the nursing workforce and identify possible system level changes that will contribute to a broader quality of care improvement. Improved data on nurse staffing and patients outcome will be significant in the making of further development in understanding how nursing care affects quality of care (Cronenwett, Sherwood & Gelmon., 2009). Spread of diseases in hospitals can also be brought about by the nurses and the clinical practitioners not practicing safety and precaution measures. Precautions can be in two ways; there are universal precautions and another standard precautions (Armstrong, & Barton, 2014). They both reduce the risk of transmission of diseases in the hospital. Universal precaution measures include the use of gloves which should be well fitting and available for use wherever body fluids are expected. Proper handling of contaminated instruments such as needles blades, scalpels, and other sharp objects. Proper handling of these items in terms of use, cleaning and disposal should be practiced by the clinical practitioners (Armstrong, & Barton, 2014). Another cause to disease spread in hospital is moral distress where by the clinical practitioner know the right thing to do but is inhibited from taking it. This can be because of there exists a number of

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