Sunday, September 22, 2019

Arts and communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Arts and communication - Essay Example suous because it is here that the definition differs from a simple, nearly involuntary expression of shock or anger and the almost automatic directives of everyday communication. In order to be considered art, the form of expression must be capable of inciting an emotional response in some form of premeditated presentation. While the art itself may be to a large extent spontaneous, the display of it as such would qualify for the required element of premeditation while the encouragement to others of stopping and reflecting upon the emotions this display evokes elicits the sensuous response. Although art can be appreciated for its aesthetic values alone, it can also be put to work for a variety of other reasons, such as advocating a particular political or ideological concept. This is most often accomplished through mass media which is influenced by and influences political and corporate agendas. However, in this more fragmented society, in which socially isolated individuals become mo re susceptible to exterior manipulation, propaganda produced within the mass media has a repressing effect upon the mass population. This, in turn, has a repressing effect upon the art that is being produced as only those art forms that support the dominant conventions gain notice. This single viewpoint shared across all mediums is referred to as hegemony. However, there is another art form that subverts these restrictions. Graffiti, largely identified as an illegal art, has been used by artists as a means of expressing resistance to this hegemonic shift in countries around the world. The definition of graffiti changes depending upon who is providing the definition. Although often referred to as art, its artistic merits are frequently ignored or deemed unimportant, as is exemplified in the definition provided by the Dublin City Council (â€Å"What is Graffiti?†, 2007) in which only one of the five listed characteristics even mentions its artistic qualities: â€Å"Graffiti is

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